LRP's School Attorneys Conference April 27, 2025 Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix Ariz.

LRP’s School Attorneys Conference 2025 Program:
Coming in the Fall

At LRP’s Special Education School Attorneys Conference in Phoenix, you’ll gain new insights from leading attorneys and gather valuable guidance you can use to help your school district clients avoid costly compliance missteps when serving students with disabilities. We’re currently developing the 2025 agenda and will post details once available, but for now take a look at the 2024 program!



Sunday, May 5, 2024

Time Session/Activity CLE Credit Hour*
7 - 8 a.m. Networking Breakfast  
8 - 9:30 a.m. Changes Ahead: The Impact of Regulatory Developments
on the Practice of Special Education Law

Changes to Title IX, FERPA, and Section 504 will all impact the practice of special education law. Jackie Wernz will bring you up to speed on proposed and final rules and how they will play out in a variety of contexts. She'll work through real world scenarios to help you understand where your clients may need assistance, as well as share sample policy language you can soon put to use.

1.5 CLE
9:30 - 9:45 a.m. Stretch Break  
9:45 - 10:45 a.m. ETHICS — Juris Doctors Without Borders:
Practicing Federal Law in the 50 States

If you’re advising a South Dakota client while attending a conference in Georgia, what ethical rules apply? If a state entity seeks help on a matter involving federal law, is state licensure required? Does it matter if you’re acting as an investigator or decision-maker, rather than as an advisor? Based on the ABA Model Rules, Jordan Johnson will prepare you to confidently (and ethically) engage with diverse clients and matters that bend the borders on the traditional authorized practice of law.

10:45 - 11 a.m. Refreshment Break  
11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Preparing for Success in a Due Process Hearing
From Start to Finish

MaryGrace Bell Kittrell will show you how to develop a comprehensive, systematic plan to prepare for any IDEA due process hearing. Starting from the moment you receive the complaint until the day of the hearing, she'll cover negotiating resolutions, selecting witnesses, serving subpoenas, and drafting prehearing motions. She'll also share a sample hearing preparation calendar and tips on how to confront the worst facts and highlight the best. Whether it's your first due process hearing or the tenth, MaryGrace will set you and your school district client up for the best possible outcome.

1.5 CLE
12:15 - 1:15 p.m. Networking/Working Plated Lunch  
1:15 - 2:15 p.m. Chronic Truancy as a Barrier to FAPE

Truancy and attendance issues of special education students are prevalent in districts across the country. But how can a district provide FAPE to a student who cannot or will not come to school? Christina Lane will outline the intersection between compulsory attendance and special education laws, focusing on the district's role when parents and medical providers create a barrier to the provision of FAPE by withholding the student from learning. After reviewing the recent decisions you need to know, she'll discuss strategies and interventions to proactively identify whether the root cause of absenteeism is a medical condition, disability, learned behavior, or parent indifference.

2:15 - 2:30 p.m. Stretch Break  
2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Getting Your Ducks in a Row:
When Personnel Issues Ruffle Feathers

School attorneys are no stranger to resolving everyday personnel issues. But, when they impede your district's ability to provide FAPE, you will need to employ new strategies to avoid an avalanche of problems. Brandon Wright will share ways to advise clients when bad behavior by staff impacts a student's IEP, how the district can navigate staff vacancies that hamper student progress, and what are the best approaches to resolve conflict when the parent and school-level educators butt heads. He’ll provide relevant case law and guidance along with practical steps on balancing employee conduct and FAPE, including how to document the district’s response.

3:30 - 3:45 p.m. Refreshment Break  
3:45 - 4:45 p.m. An Ounce of Prevention: COVID Lessons Learned
for Future Disruptions

Potential crises are not limited to pandemics – major weather events, employee strikes, and facility issues have all interrupted delivery of special education services before we bought our first N95 masks. Because of the universal impact of COVID, the volume of court decisions, complaint investigations, and bureaucratic decrees gives school attorneys an unprecedented opportunity to identify practical strategies to assist clients both before and during whatever challenges the future holds. Jeremy Neff will review and analyze those decisions along with relevant guidance to identify compliance strategies. You’ll take home a plan of care for anticipating and mitigating challenges in the event of future disruptions in your district.

*Total CLE for 60 minutes is equal to 7 CLE hours for most states

LRP Institute
Plan on also attending LRP’s National Institute, April 27 - 30, 2025

LRP’s National Institute is known as the leading source for best practices, compliance strategies and case updates impacting special education programs. The Institute brings together the leading special education attorneys, special education directors and staff, district administrators, principals, and special educators to provide guidance to help serve students with disabilities most effectively.

School Attorneys Attendees
School Attorneys Speakers
School Attorneys Attendees

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